Sunday, March 13, 2011

Winter Quarter Continued....

This quarter, which focused on printmaking and collage, has been going wonderfully! This past week, elementary aged artists also worked with clay and created "grab bag" collages. Grab bag collages challenged students to work with a few specific materials (in the bag) and add their own elements. One class made story tiles out of clay (pictured above). The middle school students have continued collage and have also added still life drawings to create in interesting mixture of drawing and collage. I have a few more block prints to add as well. Jeannette continues to teach her drawing class, while Ron continues his Graphic Novel class. I will try to get a few pictures from those classes as well. This coming week is our final week of Winter! I will be posting finished projects and preparing to launch into the spring quarter!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Collage Adventure..

This past week, students in studio art classes have created monochromatic collages. This has been a fun exercise in composition and layering. The alphabet collage was next: students picked a letter and had to find images and colors that related. This was a challenging project with wonderful results.

I have included a few block prints by my middle school students.

The adult clay class has been making some incredible ceramic pieces. The vase above is high fired coil built.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Last Week of Printmaking...

Preschool painting

Preschoolers love to create houses!

Collograph print

Robot Collograph

Collograph print

Monotype with stenciles

Monotype print with stencils

Monotype with stencils

Puppet created during Arts Wave Sampler weekend

And then on to collage... I have been so impressed with the prints from this quarter. As you can see, students were really exploring the art form and creating some amazing works of art!
We also had the Arts Wave sampler weekend so the art room was full of families making puppets and valentines. It was so much fun, I love to see what is created.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Winter Printing

Relief print in styrofoam

Collagraph Print

Stencils for Monotype prints

Stencil for monotype print

Stencil Monotype print

Collagraph print

Monotype print with stencil

Preschoolers with crazy hats

This class took a break from printmaking to work on a complex origami project, as taught by one of the students

Students are continuing to finish and print their collagraphs, some of the prints are posted above. I have really been impressed by the beautiful textures created through this process. This week we will be concentrating on printing monotypes with hand cut stencils. Elementary age students will also use pre-cut paper for a variety of prints. This process is so much fun!
The preschool class has been learning about patterns and last week made crazy hats. Finished ceramic projects from my adult Handbuilding class coming soon. My students are working on a traditional table setting which can end up being sculptural or function with a variety of surface treatments. Very exciting to watch the project taking shape!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Printing away!

Collograph with rice

Preschool art

We have had an excellent beginning to our winter art quarter! With a focus on printmaking and collage, our first projects are on their way. Students have been learning about collographs and monotype as well as printing with found objects to create texture. The middle school Homeschool class has just completed paper houses that will be in an upcoming show at Prairie Gallery. The show opens on the 11th of February. This was a project my students did with local artist Tony Becker. More details to come.